@MightySisserou I really want to learn more in depth about Reconstruction. I have Du Bois' book, but I often struggle to get through long historical texts like that. I've heard short summaries but that's it.
I also am trying to wade through How Europe Underdeveloped Africa because I want to know more about how many the African socialist movements were crushed and what happened to Nkrumah and his ilk.
I'm also very curious about Sékou Touré specifically and why he seemingly abandoned his revolutionary beginnings. I've heard about some of his late in life policies because my father is Guinean and I'm wanting to know more about him. It seems that although originally he was more in touch with other African revolutionaries, after he came into his power more fully he focused so much on control and kind of strangled the country until his death. It's hard to find robust info on this that isn't just recycled anti communist propaganda.