But studios - especially small ones - don't always have the ressources to support Linux. According to Wikipedia, Nacon (the publisher of Mordheim: City of the Damned) distributed games for: - Amazon Luna - Android - Dreamcast - GameCube - iOS - Microsoft Windows - Nintendo 3DS - Nintendo DS - Nintendo DSi - Nintendo Switch - PlayStation - PlayStation 2 - PlayStation 3 - PlayStation 4 - PlayStation 5 - PlayStation Portable - PlayStation Vita - Wii - Wii U - Xbox - Xbox 360 - Xbox Live Arcade - Xbox One - Xbox Series X/S
I seriously doubt that they would lack the resources (financial or technical) to publish games on GNU/Linux too.
@gamingonlinux I know but that's a risk. I hate downloading a huge amount of data to then discover that Wine won't let it run properly.
For sure that one title is currently free but there are so many others (not free) that are ported and so I prefer to send my money to these developers.