On i3, I'd start with 600 MiB of RAM used, do what I always do, and end up with 3 to 5 GiB of RAM used up after closing everything down again (stuck in cache). On DWM, I'd start with 400 MiB of RAM used, do the exact same things for the exact same length of time, close everything down, and end up with 600 MiB of RAM used.
@ryo I used dwm for quite a while. Personally, I don't like it. I stopped liking dynamic tiling as soon as I started using Linux as my main system. And the reason is that all windows in a workspace are visible at all times, which is really annoying when you open a lot of windows, and they also move when you spawn a new one. I want everything to be in a specific place every single time. Consistency.
To me, the best way of doing window management is the way that terminal multiplexers do it. Or Emacs. Or window managers like Ratpoison, StumpWM, Sdorfehs and Notion (Notion is a little different, window are specific to each frame, so it's like each window in each frame is a tab, and it's also more mouse-friendly, since you can drag "tabs" from one frame to another). So, you create frames manually (or automatically, Ratpoison and Sdorfehs can both be controlled in real time using shell, Notion is configured in Lua, and StumpWM is can be controlled in real time using a Common Lisp REPL).
None of those window managers are quite perfect, unfortunately, but I consider that model to be overall superior. Dynamic tiling can maybe be better for people that don't open very many windows at once, so that frames don't have to be created manually, but personally, I want a specific and constant layout for each workspace anyway, so the splits can be created when the window manager starts.
Unfortunately, these are very old window managers (other than Sdorfehs, which is just a fork of Ratpoison with some improvements, like separate workspaces for each monitor, that Stump doesn't have either because old window managers never did), and nothing like them has been made in a long time, and how well they work with floating windows and the various bars varies (I don't like the crappy bars that people use in tiling window managers, they are less useful than normal bars on top of configuration being overcomplicated). Also, bspwm is kind of a hybrid, it has one dynamic layout but can also create frames, but they go away when every window in it is closes... kinda weird.
People only pay attention to dynamic tilers, and I suspect that it's because YooToobers only use them and most people (or maybe I should say everyredditor) just copy what those cringelords do. We can call that the Curse of Luke Smith™. Anyway, for people that do prefer dynamic tilers (it's a valid preference, don't get me wrong), all the options are mostly identical other than the way that workspaces work (the dwm way or the xmonad way), so it's mostly about configuration language, dwm being configured in C, awesome in Lua (and it can and should use LuaJIT, because then you get the best of both worlds, you don't have to restart X every time you change something, AND your configurations are all compiled), qtile in Python (it's not slow, actually, I tested it) and xmonad in Haskell, and those are the main ones.
But yeah, personally, I would take a floating window manager (with pseudo-tiling using xdotool or wmctrl or wmutils or whatever) over a dynamic tiler. I used dynamics for many many years, and the trend was always me using everything in a maximized layout at all times.
@TerminalAutism This is why every tiling window manager (or well, every floating window manager and desktop environment too) provides different workspaces (or tags or however they decide to call it). Very useful feature that only WinDOS and macOS, iOS, and Android don't have (look, all the proprietary OS's don't have it!).
Well, I don't know what's going on in the heads of Gnome and KDE dev teams, but they both used to provide 4 workspaces by default, now Gnome is like 1 workspace, and adds new ones dynamically and switching to another workspace is a pain in the ass (using Gnome 3 and newer in general is a pain in the ass anyway), while KDE is like 1 workspace, but the functionality and panel widget to have multiple workspaces is hidden away.
@ryo Are you using the default keybindings or did she change it to match i3's? I wouldn't mind the cached memory, by the way. I think you probably know how Linux handles ram, but here's a good website if you want to take a look at it. https://www.linuxatemyram.com/
@yasu Kinda mix of both. Super + arrows were replaced by super + HJKL for example, so I had to get used to that. But I've been using Vim keybindings for years already, so it wasn't really a big deal.
And I already saw that website, but the problem isn't just an illusion to be honest. It really if RAM is 6 GiB used, and you load another 1.5 GiB, the PC starts getting instable and ultimately crash. And this RAM problem on i3 I had seems to be limited to the X200, not X250.
Another thing I noticed is that X250 handles transparency blur via Picom just fine, whereas X200 gets a total meltdown the moment Picom is enabled with the same config, so I can't use blur on it (though at least I can use transparency). So I think that might be a contributor to the problem.
@ryo Well, yes, but that's very limiting. I use different workspaces for different things. 1 for general file management, 2 for images, 3 for videos, 4 for web browsing. But with a dynamic tiler, if I have two browser windows and also another window like say, an XMPP client, I have to see both browser windows at the same time whether I want to or not, while in the tilers that I like, I can have browsing in the left frame (and alternate between the two windows there depending on what I'm doing) and the chat window in the right frame.
With dynamic tilers, it's all or nothing, it's one window or all of them, but what if I want to see two windows? What if I want a file manager in the left frame, to open a bunch of images to look at, and then switch between the images in the right frame? Resizing can also be slow, especially with browsers, so what if I want the browser to be a certain size always, and just have some empty space for me to quickly open and close other windows? Hell, it especially falls apart with a lot of windows. I open a lot of windows per workspace, even having workspaces that are for specific purposes.
So, like I said in the previous, dynamic tilers work for certain people, but they are definitely not for me. They actually worked very well when I was still learning, and not using them on my main system, because I didn't open that many things at once. Now they definitely don't. Unfortunately, a lot of people use dynamics because they want to copy bad YouTube people, and it doesn't suit their workflow, and then they decide that tiling window managers suck, even though it's only one type of tiling. Those people are definitely very cringe.
But hey, you can have them both, I think the perfect window manager would have both, and floating, and a good system for creating bars and menus, but that window manager hasn't been made yet. StumpWM has dynamic tiling too, actually, I should have mentioned.
@TerminalAutism Manual tilers have the advantage of having more control over your tiling, yes. You can make windows floating, though on i3 resizing them took a very long time as you have to do Super+R, then use the arrow keys, while on DWM it's a matter of holding the rightclick button and moving the mouse. Or you can use Super+F for fullscreen mode, which I use quite a lot on especially web browsers and Vim. Though I avoid using that on Pleroma, because for some retarded reason if you respond to a notification and the window resizes so that it thinks you're on a smartphone in the meantime, all of your text gets lost and you'll have to type everything from 0 again.
@ALZBl9E963GI54SsSW.verita84@pooper.social@TerminalAutism@fartkart I rather call them slave squares. Last time I had to use a WinDOS laptop, I was anything but productive on it. Linux and BSD are for the productivity, WinDOS is for the gaymers, macOS is for the soy designers, and iOS and Android is for the consoomers.
@ryo@TerminalAutism >though on i3 resizing them took a very long time as you have to do Super+R, then use the arrow keys I haven't used i3 for some time, but on sway you can hold Super and use the right mouse button to resize floating windows. Must be the same thing on i3.
Linux users are too busy ricing and dealing with bugs and grub to be productive. wSL and MacOS gives you all the Unix and Linux you need to be productive these days
@ryo I pretty much never make windows float. Not many reasons to do that when it's just worse than tiling. And if you want something to float, you can just add a rule to your configuration that makes the specific program open as a floating window. Even on floating window managers, pseudo-tiling is way better than manually resizing and positioning windows.
@TerminalAutism Once in a while I do make them floating, for example when I have so many SSH sessions opened up that tiling becomes annoying, and I run out of space on all 3 monitors, and don't feel like spreading them up into different workspaces. And yes, I do use SSH a lot, not only on servers, but also on my PinePhone, and other laptops, tablets, and desktops in my LAN.
@ALZBl9E963GI54SsSW.verita84@pooper.social@ryo@fartkart My systems works just fine, both Linux and OpenBSD. Anyway, stop blindly repeating shit that other people say, parroting puppet, and go take your boosters and eat your bugs.
@ALZBl9E963GI54SsSW.verita84@pooper.social@TerminalAutism@fartkart Tell me what those bugs are then? I'm literally running on Linux kernel 5.19, never experienced any roadblocks at all. And if kernel bugs are your biggest concern, then how about all the WinDOS 11 bugs and its "you'll own nothing and be happy, you vill eat ze bugz" type of annoyances that just about everyone has been talking about since its release?