I'm so confused! I understand why you broke off the social from the show. But what function does the social have if it is not connected to the show? What function does the show have if there is not social? @adam
When was he doing that?? A year ago, when I joined, he was promoting NAS as the best thing to join if you want social media that isn't curated like twitter was. He encouraged people to join. There were only going to be 10K allowed, so there was urgency adde to the pitch. No, this was a dramatic turnaround and it was abrupt. @leyonhjelm@PG_Kelly@adam
the instance that yours truly is on is also accepting sign ups. We don't do any of that manual review bullshit so you'll be up in about 5 min. But otherwise FSE is great
I don’t see that this has ever been specific to one instance. @adam actively encouraged people to make their own instances for a long time before the recent drama
I think the show has much to offer even without this instance of NAS, @PG_Kelly. The problem is the way they killed it off left many die hard producers scratching their heads in bewilderment. Hard not to see the massive contradictions in the show's thesis after this. But hang in there. The show is still great, and don't forget everything these guys have done for all of us over the years. How many eyes have they opened? Countless. They've earned some latitude even if we disagree at times. @adam