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nekobit ('s status on Saturday, 15-Oct-2022 09:32:38 JST nekobit
ubantoo has been dead, but now its super dead- 寮 likes this.
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寮 ('s status on Saturday, 15-Oct-2022 09:35:26 JST 寮 @ne Every single CEO ever: "oh no, we're on the brink of bankruptcy, let me come up with some way to end my career even quicker!" In conversation permalink -
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Terminal Autism ('s status on Saturday, 15-Oct-2022 10:45:51 JST Terminal Autism They are just in a hurry to retire. No CEO leaves a corporation with a fat retirement paycheck, they always give themselves as many millions of dollars as they can. Frequently from the employees' pensions. In conversation permalink 寮 likes this.