Join us for our first ACH professional development event of 2024, “Labor and Organizing in the Digital Humanities” on Thurs, January 18, 2pm EST / 11am PST! This is the first event in a multi-part series on digital humanities scholarship and academic labor as we collectively explore questions about unions, politicized teaching landscapes, AI, and legislative policies. Register today:
Session 1: Labor and Organizing in DH [Jan 18, 19, or 24]This panel, consisting of participants from a range of institutional positions involved in organizing work, will take up the following questions: What is the role that unions (and organized labor more broadly) can play in supporting DHers in our work? How can unions help support DH work in an increasingly politicized teaching landscape? How do current questions about AI and its range of impacts intersect with labor rights? What are some practical considerations, or lessons learned, if you would like to get more involved in labor organizing at your institution?