@p do you remember, back in the day, probably 1984-ish, when KMET would have a Rose Parade simulcast, and Frazier Smith and Peter Tilden would make fun of the Rose Parade for 2 straight hours and play Metallica over all the matching bands? He'd have Wolfy down reporting on the Parade route, voice over all the Rose Queens saying stuff like "I want to marry a rich guy, have an ugly child by him, get the kid a nose job just like mine, divorce him, and take away everything he loves?"
Maybe being in Pasadena, you were too busy helping out with the Parade, or your parents held it as too sacred for such mockery. But those were some of the happiest memories from my childhood, listening to the simulcast and watching the Parade, laughing my ass off with good ole Mom and Dad. Fun times
> do you remember, back in the day, probably 1984-ish,
I'm a millennial, and thus a little young to remember events from 1984.
> KMET would have a Rose Parade simulcast,
Holy shit. I would watch the parade if this sort of thing were still going on.
> But those were some of the happiest memories from my childhood, listening to the simulcast and watching the Parade, laughing my ass off with good ole Mom and Dad. Fun times
That does sound fun.
I think the only parade that made many appearances in my childhood was the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, during periods of time when "yin" commandeered the remote, they'd all be gossiping about who was aging how. If "yang" had the remote, it was college football.
My grandmother was of the superstition that what you did on the first day of the year would influence the entirety of the year: New Year's Day was dedicated to work and eating healthy and that sort of thing, not a lot of TV involved.
@p oh man, it was so fun. Probably went on into the 1990s. I remember KMET switched from Rock to talk radio somewhere in there, but they still did the simulcast. Then Disney bought it, and it was over.
I'll never forget how they renamed all the marching bands too. "Here comes the South Dakota Hog Swaddlers playing their version of...Metallica! Gosh, Metallica is certainly popular with marching bands these days, aren't they?"
And somehow, without saying a single swear word, they managed to imply that all the horse groups were having sex with their horses. It was magical.
Also you may want to plonk this into your search bar and bring it up over there. I don't know if you'll be able to match Dad but he's the man to beat and it is related to your interests: https://freespeechextremist.com/notice/AdQtDnLBoMbufcSiMS
I definitely can’t compete, I love breasts but have never been into fighting games enough to know the names of most. I grew up in a neighborhood with cunts who put way too much time into it as the owners of the game before letting their friends try to challenge them so I never developed a taste for it. This was back in the day when parents collaborated to make sure everyone didn’t have the same games unless it was carts that had saves, like Zelda or Final Fantasy
Man, all these motherfuckers think speedrunning RPGs was invented in 2018. Speedrunning RPGs was invented by kids whose moms dropped shit off at Blockbuster early just to make sure the late fee didn't get them.
Yep. I think my mom decided which RPGs to actually buy based on how much my brother howled when she wouldn’t just get an extension. And he’d still have to wait for Christmas.
@p@leyonhjelm I remember hiding passwords in the plastic sleeve of the game, then renting them again the next week and picking up where I left off.
We rented this particular game so many times my parents could have afforded to buy it for me, but my mom Did Not Approve of video games, so my dad stepped in and would rent us stuff just so we would leave them alone.
The joke was in her though, once I saved enough money to buy a Sega genesis, she got addicted to one of the free games that came with it, called Zoom, and would play every day for a few minutes before work. I remember my dad playing Duck Hunt with us on the Nintendo too. download.jpg