p.s. I *will* be moving off Substack in the new year, but I am still evaluating alternatives. I had pre-prepared a few posts before Christmas (and before the Substack controversy began) and this is one of them. Thank you for your patience. #IndiePublisher
You could have follower approval on, and have a mechanism like a Patreon, Ko-Fi, or Paypal to let people subscribe. With existing technology, I think you'd have to collate these by hand -- asking the subscriber to include their fediverse handle in comments.
@ricmac However, as far as I know right now it's not possible to make followers-only posts from https://write.as/ or WordPress. @pfefferle is that on the roadmap?
@ricmac@pfefferle At the protocol level, we could probably figure out a flow to make it possible to include the payment receipt in the Follow request, so it could be automated.
@ricmac@pfefferle I think the big advantage, for me, would be having a way for content producers to move between platforms seamlessly without losing their subscriber base. Right now, I think a lot of creators feel locked in at Substack, and it would be nice to have at least a slightly better option for them.
Honestly, email is a pretty federated system to begin with. So, if you can take the email addresses and subscription data when you walk, you're doing pretty well.
@evan@ricmac@pfefferle have you seen how people *have* been migrating off Substack? Iirc Buttondown only needed some (one?) thing from the Stripe integration, all the billing & products are handled on the stripe end.