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the thing is that the strongest man and the best provider is the government/big corps.
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@dew_the_dew They're ultimately backed by the strongest men though. That's the thing. Once they aren't, that's when things get dicey. It's also not just a quality game, but a quantity game.
So as it stands, the government can take anybody out, but it can't take everybody out. It can't even take a significant portion of the population out. This is where threepers have a point. 3% of the American population today is about ten million people. Imagine if America had ten million active shooters at once, on some ride or die shit, ready to target their enemies' politicians and their goons. Shit, imagine three million. Imagine one. Imagine this on either side.
It would be over, man. The American power structure relies very specifically on keeping the vaaaaaaaaast majority of the population contented. To be clear, we're both in that category. We're not happy with the state of affairs, but I'm not planning some kind of RaHoWa and I don't think you are either.
@PraxisOfEvil @Type_Other