when you stated postgres is too much bigger versus SQLite, I forgot to mention PGSql can be a nosql database, also. JSONb support for SQLite makes sort of nosql available some how ?
@alex jsonb is pretty ciol. i remember it being used for a thing called Slippi and it was not only easy to parse without a library but really damn simple. The name is rather unfortunate but i guess pretty understandable. I know nintendo uses byml which i was writing a tool for mario wonder level editor which parsed those, but that used hashmaps for efficient parsing.
I wanted to provide jsonb support for the api wrapper (/treebird_api) behind Treebird which is used to proxy requests from pleroma/mastodon because those tend to be massive (i.e. hellthreads). Instead i designed the treebird json api (soon, bjson, but json was easier for me to parse with js) to only provide info the treebird client actually uses, because it was nicer to only proxy information the frontend needed. honestly though treebird is largely considered a proxy frontend (like bloat-fe) and not a true frontend like pleroma and soapbox are.