@jhattara Also, be sure to change your DNA if you were a 23andMe user.
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Jonne Arjoranta (jonne@mastodontti.fi)'s status on Friday, 08-Dec-2023 17:11:13 JST Jonne Arjoranta -
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Jussi Hattara (he/him) (jhattara@piipitin.fi)'s status on Friday, 08-Dec-2023 17:11:21 JST Jussi Hattara (he/him) Do not, I repeat, do not use same passwords on multiple different websites. Especially on those that store and manage confidential personal information. Use a #PasswordManager. https://www.malwarebytes.com/blog/news/2023/12/23andme-says-er-actually-some-genetic-and-health-data-might-have-been-accessed-in-recent-breach #security #password #DataBreach
GreenSkyOverMe (Monika) repeated this.
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