I cant decide if the reasons there are so few homeless women compared to men is because men are sexual predators and take advantage of women in that situation and "help" in exchange for sex. Or if the world just cares more about the safety of women than men.... I am leaning more towards the former thant he latter here but I suspect it is a bit of both.
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🎓 Doc Freemo :jpf: 🇳🇱 (freemo@qoto.org)'s status on Tuesday, 28-Nov-2023 01:48:51 JST 🎓 Doc Freemo :jpf: 🇳🇱
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perfect brains (perfect_brains@social.freetalklive.com)'s status on Tuesday, 28-Nov-2023 01:57:13 JST perfect brains
with reasoning ability like yours
I doubt if anyone will choose you as a mentor,
or, if they do, that they will turn out well -
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🎓 Doc Freemo :jpf: 🇳🇱 (freemo@qoto.org)'s status on Tuesday, 28-Nov-2023 01:57:13 JST 🎓 Doc Freemo :jpf: 🇳🇱
Huh? Thats random... So if you dont think its because of those two factors, please, show us your superior resoning skills and instead of wasting everyones time you tell us what the reason is.
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🎓 Doc Freemo :jpf: 🇳🇱 (freemo@qoto.org)'s status on Tuesday, 28-Nov-2023 01:59:29 JST 🎓 Doc Freemo :jpf: 🇳🇱
So why is the age demographic different for men than women.. i mean i guess even women ont he streets tend to be young or old, like the men, but if thats true then why so few
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Ay Eye Ate Dub Yah ✡︎ :ally: (admin@mastodon.ai8w.ddns.net)'s status on Tuesday, 28-Nov-2023 01:59:30 JST Ay Eye Ate Dub Yah ✡︎ :ally:
You're forgetting that there are men who are "hobosexuals".. meaning they shack up because they are homeless. These men are usually "desirable" or have something a woman wants, so he moves in until he ticks her off, then he finds another one.
Most homeless men, from what I've been able to gather, are either in their teens, or old enough that there's nothing a woman would want from them...
There also exist "Battered Women Shelters" for lack of a better term coming to mind at the moment, which house women who have run away from abusive relationships - these women aren't usually counted among the homeless.
There is also the trans community which I'm not certain gets correctly counted by narrow-minded government employees.
Yes, on the surface, it appears there are more homeless women than men... I believe those numbers are skewed because of errors in data collection, attitude, and realities.
Also, remember that there are "predatory" women who are happy to put up with less than good-for-them men in order to have a home in which to live - and men who either don't know they're doing this, or don't care. (not saying this is all women, just that those women exist.)
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🎓 Doc Freemo :jpf: 🇳🇱 (freemo@qoto.org)'s status on Tuesday, 28-Nov-2023 02:00:29 JST 🎓 Doc Freemo :jpf: 🇳🇱
Ok and you still didnt explain away the statistical anomaly then. So waiting for that towering intellect to kick in for ya still.
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perfect brains (perfect_brains@social.freetalklive.com)'s status on Tuesday, 28-Nov-2023 02:00:30 JST perfect brains
making a blanket statement about "men" like that, without also considering that women are sexual predators, and emotional, social and economic predators,
relegates you to cattle car of babbling second rate minds
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🎓 Doc Freemo :jpf: 🇳🇱 (freemo@qoto.org)'s status on Tuesday, 28-Nov-2023 02:03:30 JST 🎓 Doc Freemo :jpf: 🇳🇱
No that wasnt my point, if it was i wouldnt have mentioned a counter point to it and said that I thought it was equally part of the problem.
Sorry I see im dealing with a dunning-kruger case on intellect goes. You can carry on now i lost interest in your opinion.
Thanks for reaching out, bye.
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perfect brains (perfect_brains@social.freetalklive.com)'s status on Tuesday, 28-Nov-2023 02:03:31 JST perfect brains
since your real point was to label "men" as sexual predators and not discuss homelessness
I doubt there is much point
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🎓 Doc Freemo :jpf: 🇳🇱 (freemo@qoto.org)'s status on Tuesday, 28-Nov-2023 02:04:36 JST 🎓 Doc Freemo :jpf: 🇳🇱
Thanks, bye.
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perfect brains (perfect_brains@social.freetalklive.com)'s status on Tuesday, 28-Nov-2023 02:04:37 JST perfect brains
have a nice life,
or at least, a life -
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NotHelpfulUntilIAm🥤 🌛 🗄️ (admitswrongifproven@qoto.org)'s status on Tuesday, 28-Nov-2023 02:04:46 JST NotHelpfulUntilIAm🥤 🌛 🗄️
@freemo Not sure about the specific situation in the US, with less social security.
I have a suspicion that descent into homelessness here is mainly some "can't deal with the bullshit" stuff. Like the gouvernment agency responsible for paying out the pittance someone is supposed to live on asks for the same info for the thousandth time and some people just give up.
Might be that men are more susceptible to such... but unsure if there would be any way to not become homeless in the US if no job comes along.
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🎓 Doc Freemo :jpf: 🇳🇱 (freemo@qoto.org)'s status on Tuesday, 28-Nov-2023 02:06:02 JST 🎓 Doc Freemo :jpf: 🇳🇱
Yea I think men will probably put up with more shit to get laid than women.. which is not saying anything all that different than what I proposed originally really :)
Granted there may be a non-sexual social aspect to it, but yea pretty sure its a horny thing :)
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Ay Eye Ate Dub Yah ✡︎ :ally: (admin@mastodon.ai8w.ddns.net)'s status on Tuesday, 28-Nov-2023 02:06:03 JST Ay Eye Ate Dub Yah ✡︎ :ally:
Maybe women are better at putting up with men's shit than men are at putting up with women's shit?
I mean, both of those genders (and I'm NOT saying those are the only two) have shit to put up with... just I believe that, in general, women are better at putting up with it than men are.
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🎓 Doc Freemo :jpf: 🇳🇱 (freemo@qoto.org)'s status on Tuesday, 28-Nov-2023 02:07:10 JST 🎓 Doc Freemo :jpf: 🇳🇱
@admin Agreed. Men do seem to be more willing to be single than women when they are sexually "satisfied"
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Ay Eye Ate Dub Yah ✡︎ :ally: (admin@mastodon.ai8w.ddns.net)'s status on Tuesday, 28-Nov-2023 02:07:11 JST Ay Eye Ate Dub Yah ✡︎ :ally:
To get laid, you're probably correct. To have a long-term live-in situation, not so much.
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robryk@qoto.org's status on Tuesday, 28-Nov-2023 02:34:44 JST robryk
@freemo Do you know how that changes across age, cities/small towns, and immigration status? (I can't easily find anything that would give me those answers for Switzerland, but the general tendency seems to also be true: ~4/5ths are men.)
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🎓 Doc Freemo :jpf: 🇳🇱 (freemo@qoto.org)'s status on Tuesday, 28-Nov-2023 02:37:04 JST 🎓 Doc Freemo :jpf: 🇳🇱
@robryk Not in great detail. I am largely basing this post on what I have observed.
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Dave Fernig (davefernig@qoto.org)'s status on Friday, 01-Dec-2023 06:08:41 JST Dave Fernig
@freemo a considerable number are veterans with PTSD - accounts for some of the difference. There may also be a difference in the ability of women to help each other when mental health crashes.
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🎓 Doc Freemo :jpf: 🇳🇱 (freemo@qoto.org)'s status on Friday, 01-Dec-2023 06:09:51 JST 🎓 Doc Freemo :jpf: 🇳🇱
@DaveFernig Both fair points, esp. the veteran one.
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Dave Fernig (davefernig@qoto.org)'s status on Friday, 01-Dec-2023 06:14:40 JST Dave Fernig
@freemo the veteran makes me double angry. Double over the knowledge that when we invested in people 14 + years ago in the Uk there were a rarity, now 1000s even in middle sized cities.
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🎓 Doc Freemo :jpf: 🇳🇱 (freemo@qoto.org)'s status on Friday, 01-Dec-2023 06:16:24 JST 🎓 Doc Freemo :jpf: 🇳🇱
@DaveFernig I dont have any more sympathy for a veteran than I do any other homeless person. Suffering is suffering to me and equally worth addressing.
But there is somthing to be said for the government abusing these people and throwing them aside. As a citizen we are somewhat responsible for our government and that makes us more individually liable in a sense for voting people in that would treat people that way.
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Dave Fernig (davefernig@qoto.org)'s status on Friday, 01-Dec-2023 06:20:25 JST Dave Fernig
@freemo absolutely- it is on the citizen, too many close their eyes as they step over the body huddled on the pavement and refuse to acknowledge the fact that that person is as much a human as anyone else.
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🎓 Doc Freemo :jpf: 🇳🇱 (freemo@qoto.org)'s status on Friday, 01-Dec-2023 06:21:40 JST 🎓 Doc Freemo :jpf: 🇳🇱
@DaveFernig Yup, agreed... but in the case of veterans the problem started from before they ever made it to homeless status. The military often is what made them that way.
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🎓 Doc Freemo :jpf: 🇳🇱 (freemo@qoto.org)'s status on Friday, 01-Dec-2023 06:23:14 JST 🎓 Doc Freemo :jpf: 🇳🇱
@realcaseyrollins I think this legitimately plays a factor... in short its probably easier for a woman to find someone who will financially support them than a man would.
I think this goes beyond just marriage and that sort of arrangement. Even in the case of sugar-daddys or onlyFans I think women have a distinct advantage for low-skill high-paid arrangements.
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casey is remote (realcaseyrollins@social.freetalklive.com)'s status on Friday, 01-Dec-2023 06:23:15 JST casey is remote
@freemo I think that as a man, there's more you generally need to do to keep yourself from being homeless. You have to hold a job, pay bills, etc.
If you're a woman, if you're single yes you'd still need to do these things, but there's also an expectation, even today, to enter a heteronormative relationship with a man, where he provides for the woman and she doesn't have to work if she doesn't want to. If she doesn't want to be married or live with someone, she could still sleep around with various men from night to night and always have a place to sleep.
All that said, with the current rates of virginity, relationships and marriages among my age range, I'd expect way more homeless women in society if we don't get our act together.
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