@MediaActivist Hi Jay 👋 I wrote a thread (https://union.place/@PoliticalPuffin/111431510132560741) about exactly this just a few days ago. I warn you, it is not full of my stupid jokes but it is an honest, if abridged, account of one persons experience of 'dealing'?? being steamrollered is perhaps more accurate, by the DWP.
To be so open about my experiences was not easy. I did it because, well, many reasons. However, I simply want people to understand, if just a bit, of what it is like to have chronic illness in the UK...
@PoliticalPuffin Thank you for bringing that to my attention - boosted! I for one really appreciate you sharing these experiences, as it is so important yet also incredibly difficult, I am sure. But it sheds light on something so many more people deserve to be aware of, so we can understand these realities and together oppose this brutality of the state.
@MediaActivist 2/n and have to totally rely on a state that sees you, at best, as a burden, at worst, as a scrounger, lazy and a thief, stealing from 'hard working taxpayers'.
As I say, it is not a 'smiley' read, but it is an honest, but brief account.