@anildash@laurengoode am I incredibly naive if my knee jerk reaction is that there should no be "trust and safety" decisions at scale? Why would a person, or a small team, need to police what world leaders bark at each other? If the president of a country wants to start a Civil War, should that be moderated by BigTech Ltd?
I don't think that free-for-all is a viable solution, but I don't think that platforms that are so big to be considered the locus of decision should exist.
@signaleleven@laurengoode I mean, to be less glib, the ideal is that we have many smaller connected or independent communities. The reality is that billions of internet users expect to choose from a handful of giant services, and even though they use lots of disparate platforms, media and culture won’t let them perceive that as a valid option instead of having a tiny number of centralized dominant players.