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('s status on Monday, 20-Nov-2023 20:40:43 JST
@anonymous6479 @dcc Yeah, it's just the default Pleroma page that's returned by rawr, so Privoxy works. Can you show the parts of Pleroma config that are relevant to proxy? -
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alenshore ('s status on Monday, 20-Nov-2023 20:42:55 JST alenshore
@mint @dcc One moment. My config is almost entirely in the database at this point, but I think the old settings are still what I am using. Is there a way to dump the database without going back to using config? likes this. -
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('s status on Monday, 20-Nov-2023 20:44:05 JST
@anonymous6479 @dcc mix pleroma.config dump pleroma
It dumps the whole config, so copy the relevant parts separately.✙ dcc :pedomustdie: :phear_slackware: likes this. -
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alenshore ('s status on Monday, 20-Nov-2023 20:49:49 JST alenshore
@mint @dcc Okay. Let me do that but in the meantime here was my old config with the port updated to privoxy's (because that's how it's set now anyways):
# Pleroma instance configuration # NOTE: This file should not be committed to a repo or otherwise made public # without removing sensitive information. import Config config :pleroma, Pleroma.Web.Endpoint, url: [host: "{}.onion", scheme: "http", port: 80], http: [ip: {127, 0, 0, 1}, port: 4000] config :pleroma, Pleroma.Repo, adapter: Ecto.Adapters.Postgres, prepare: :named, parameters: [ plan_cache_mode: "force_custom_plan" ] # Configure web push notifications config :web_push_encryption, :vapid_details, subject: "" config :pleroma, :database, rum_enabled: false config :pleroma, :http, proxy_url: {:socks5, :localhost, 8118} # Enable Strict-Transport-Security once SSL is working: config :pleroma, :http_security, enabled: false config :joken, default_signer: "(HIDDEN)" config :pleroma, configurable_from_database: true likes this. -
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('s status on Monday, 20-Nov-2023 20:52:06 JST
@anonymous6479 @dcc >proxy_url: {:socks5, :localhost, 8118}
There's your problem. Privoxy is HTTP proxy, not SOCKS. Try setting it to HTTP (if using adminfe, uncheck socks5). You could also try ditching privoxy entirely and put Tor's proxy port instead if you aren't planning on federating with, say, I2P, but I haven't tested it yet. -
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alenshore ('s status on Monday, 20-Nov-2023 20:57:12 JST alenshore
@mint @dcc I believe this is everything. I left anything I could think was relevant in:
config :pleroma, :activitypub, [follow_handshake_timeout: 1500] config :pleroma, :feed, [post_title: %{max_length: 500, omission: "..."}] config :pleroma, :frontend_configurations, [pleroma_fe: %{alwaysShowSubjectInput: true, background: "/images/city.jpg", collapseMessageWithSubject: true, disableChat: false, greentext: true, hideFilteredStatuses: true, hideMutedPosts: true, hidePostStats: false, hideSitename: false, hideUserStats: false, loginMethod: "password", logo: "/static/logo.svg", logoMargin: ".1em", logoMask: true, minimalScopesMode: false, noAttachmentLinks: false, nsfwCensorImage: "", postContentType: "text/markdown", redirectRootLogin: "/main/friends", redirectRootNoLogin: "/main/all", scopeCopy: true, showFeaturesPanel: true, showInstanceSpecificPanel: false, sidebarRight: false, subjectLineBehavior: "email", theme: "pleroma-dark", webPushNotifications: false}] config :pleroma, :http, [proxy_url: ""] config :pleroma, :http_security, [enabled: false] config :pleroma, :instance, [federating: true, federation_incoming_replies_max_depth: 150, federation_reachability_timeout_days: 14, public: true] config :pleroma, :modules, [runtime_dir: "/home/pleroma/modules"] config :pleroma, :mrf, [policies: [Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.TagPolicy, Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.InlineQuotePolicy, Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.HellthreadPolicy, Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.MRF.StealEmojiPolicy]] config :pleroma, Pleroma.Web.Plugs.RemoteIp, [enabled: false] config :pleroma, :rate_limit, [search: {"", 0}, timeline: {500, 3}, app_account_creation: {1800000, 25}, relations_actions: {10000, 10}, relation_id_action: {60000, 2}, statuses_actions: {10000, 15}, status_id_action: {60000, 3}, authentication: {60000, 15}]My bad about socks btw. I forgot I turned it off because it was so long ago. :0500:
It doesn't look to appear to be on in the dumped config, which would jibe with what the webUI is telling me but let me know if I missed something.
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('s status on Monday, 20-Nov-2023 20:59:09 JST
@anonymous6479 @dcc >config :pleroma, :http, [proxy_url: ""]
Looks fine to me. Anything returned when you fetch_object_from_id? -
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alenshore ('s status on Monday, 20-Nov-2023 20:59:45 JST alenshore
@mint @dcc >You could also try ditching privoxy entirely and put Tor's proxy port instead
Just for the instance you mean? Because when I did that I got checkout error when attempting to add relays. Of course those were clearnet at the time so do you think it will help? likes this. -
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('s status on Monday, 20-Nov-2023 21:01:46 JST
@anonymous6479 @dcc It might, if privoxy refuses to work for whatever reason. Doubt that's the issue, though. -
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alenshore ('s status on Monday, 20-Nov-2023 21:06:01 JST alenshore
@mint @dcc I suppose I'm already in this far! It is getting kind of late though so I'll have to sleep soon. likes this. -
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alenshore ('s status on Monday, 20-Nov-2023 21:06:38 JST alenshore
@mint @dcc It wasn't. likes this. -
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alenshore ('s status on Monday, 20-Nov-2023 21:07:00 JST alenshore
@mint @dcc What do I fetch? Like a post? Do I just enter the whole URL there or? likes this. -
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('s status on Monday, 20-Nov-2023 21:08:30 JST
@anonymous6479 @dcc Yeah.
e.g. `Pleroma.Object.Fetcher.fetch_object_from_id("")` -
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alenshore ('s status on Monday, 20-Nov-2023 21:09:16 JST alenshore
@mint @dcc Also it says I don't have the fetcher for some reason ** (UndefinedFunctionError) function Pleroma.Object.Fetcher.fetch_object_from_id/1 is undefined (module Pleroma.Object.Fetcher is not available) Pleroma.Object.Fetcher.fetch_object_from_id("")
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('s status on Monday, 20-Nov-2023 21:09:44 JST
@anonymous6479 @dcc This means just running `iex` on source install, like dcc suggested, isn't enough. likes this. -
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alenshore ('s status on Monday, 20-Nov-2023 21:12:30 JST alenshore
@mint @dcc I don't see that post you'll have to forgive me. likes this. -
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('s status on Monday, 20-Nov-2023 21:13:30 JST
@anonymous6479 @dcc Anything else in logs? -
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alenshore ('s status on Monday, 20-Nov-2023 21:16:12 JST alenshore
@mint @dcc Well the usual complaining about how localhost isn't on the allowed domains list (I fix later) but I did get some odd ones:
03:30:04.873 request_id=F5lRXlK1Sc25OLwAAEgB [error] Could not decode user at fetch http://rawrxd4mden7rmbobaftao3qjyxbrvj4rrooehkqxlqcsdtnnn2hndid.onion/internal/fetch, :timeout 03:32:52.502 request_id=F5lRhoOcK9JzbZEAAEND [error] Internal server error: %ArithmeticError{message: "bad argument in arithmetic expression"} 03:32:52.503 [error] #PID<0.3695.0> running Pleroma.Web.Endpoint (connection #PID<0.3694.0>, stream id 1) terminated Server: {}:80 (http) Request: GET /api/v2/search? ** (exit) an exception was raised: ** (ArithmeticError) bad argument in arithmetic expression (pleroma 2.6.0) lib/pleroma/web/plugs/rate_limiter/limiter_supervisor.ex:49: Pleroma.Web.Plugs.RateLimiter.LimiterSupervisor.check_interval/1 (pleroma 2.6.0) lib/pleroma/web/plugs/rate_limiter/limiter_supervisor.ex:28: Pleroma.Web.Plugs.RateLimiter.LimiterSupervisor.add_or_return_limiter/2 (pleroma 2.6.0) lib/pleroma/web/plugs/rate_limiter.ex:253: Pleroma.Web.Plugs.RateLimiter.initialize_buckets!/1 (pleroma 2.6.0) lib/pleroma/web/plugs/rate_limiter.ex:170: Pleroma.Web.Plugs.RateLimiter.check_rate/1 (pleroma 2.6.0) lib/pleroma/web/plugs/rate_limiter.ex:104: Pleroma.Web.Plugs.RateLimiter.handle/2 (pleroma 2.6.0) lib/pleroma/web/mastodon_api/controllers/search_controller.ex:5: Pleroma.Web.MastodonAPI.SearchController.phoenix_controller_pipeline/2 (phoenix 1.6.16) lib/phoenix/router.ex:354: Phoenix.Router.__call__/2 (pleroma 2.6.0) lib/pleroma/web/endpoint.ex:5: Pleroma.Web.Endpoint.plug_builder_call/2But I don't think I searched for anything since I started it....
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('s status on Monday, 20-Nov-2023 21:19:02 JST
@anonymous6479 @dcc It times out for some reason when fetching rawr's /internal/fetch actor for signatures, despite me seeing four results from your instance fetching it. The "bad arithmetic" issues are caused by your leaving an empty string for search in ratelimit options. -
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alenshore ('s status on Monday, 20-Nov-2023 21:22:50 JST alenshore
@mint @dcc Lets fix the arithmatic errors first I think. What am I supposed to set and where do I set it? In the ratelimiters section there are two boxes for numbers but I don't know what to put there. likes this. -
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('s status on Monday, 20-Nov-2023 21:24:29 JST
@anonymous6479 @dcc Something like this, I reckon. First number is amount of milliseconds, last number is amount of requests that can be done within those milliseconds.
Screenshot_20231120_152245.png -
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alenshore ('s status on Monday, 20-Nov-2023 21:25:16 JST alenshore
@mint @dcc Actually I found a pleroma document on the subject. Set timeout to 1000 and 10 searches for unauthenticated users (or all users I think because I don't have a different value for auth users) likes this. -
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alenshore ('s status on Monday, 20-Nov-2023 21:26:01 JST alenshore
@mint @dcc Indeed. The error is gone and search is finally turning up results (yay!). When I click though, nothing shows. likes this. -
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alenshore ('s status on Monday, 20-Nov-2023 21:27:47 JST alenshore
@mint @dcc I can also turn your relay up in a search, but not myself. likes this. -
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alenshore ('s status on Monday, 20-Nov-2023 21:30:12 JST alenshore
@dcc @mint Okay. So here are the errors I get now when I attempt to message myself:
04:27:28.304 [error] Error while fetching {:error, :timeout} 04:27:28.304 [warning] Couldn't fetch "", error: nil 04:27:59.608 [warning] Can't find LRDD template in "": {:error, :timeout} 04:28:19.237 [error] Process #PID<0.4811.0> raised an exception ** (KeyError) key :ap_id not found in: nil. If you are using the dot syntax, such as map.field, make sure the left-hand side of the dot is a map (pleroma 2.6.0) lib/pleroma/web/mastodon_api/views/conversation_view.ex:27: Pleroma.Web.MastodonAPI.ConversationView.render/2 (pleroma 2.6.0) lib/pleroma/web/views/streamer_view.ex:140: Pleroma.Web.StreamerView.render/3 (pleroma 2.6.0) lib/pleroma/web/streamer.ex:315: Pleroma.Web.Streamer.push_to_socket/2 04:28:38.420 [error] Could not check origin for Phoenix.Socket transport.Obvi some of these are just warnings, but figure I should include them.
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('s status on Monday, 20-Nov-2023 21:36:19 JST
@anonymous6479 @dcc Webfinger on agency might be a bit borked due to my proxy config. I see requests to objects coming from your instance, so I'm trying to figure stuff out. -
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alenshore ('s status on Monday, 20-Nov-2023 21:37:03 JST alenshore
@mint @dcc Alright. Let me try some of the other instances I've already tried. likes this. -
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alenshore ('s status on Monday, 20-Nov-2023 21:37:24 JST alenshore
@dcc @mint Whatever is causing the connection to timeout, I don't know. It's getting pretty late. I should probably go to bed soon. If you notice anything, let me know and I'll get back to you ASAP. likes this. -
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('s status on Monday, 20-Nov-2023 21:41:54 JST
@anonymous6479 @dcc I've fixed a few issue with my caching proxy setup, now webfinger doesn't ignore accept headers, and I've managed to get one of my posts to federate. -
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alenshore ('s status on Monday, 20-Nov-2023 21:43:57 JST alenshore
@mint @dcc Yay! But this appears to be an issue with more than you. I can pull an alt from another instance but I cannot talk to it. likes this. -
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alenshore ('s status on Monday, 20-Nov-2023 21:46:06 JST alenshore
@mint @dcc Also did you get my post? I am not getting my post.
I am also getting a lot more dot errors:
04:43:49.284 [error] Process #PID<0.6111.0> raised an exception ** (KeyError) key :ap_id not found in: nil. If you are using the dot syntax, such as map.field, make sure the left-hand side of the dot is a map (pleroma 2.6.0) lib/pleroma/web/mastodon_api/views/conversation_view.ex:27: Pleroma.Web.MastodonAPI.ConversationView.render/2 (pleroma 2.6.0) lib/pleroma/web/views/streamer_view.ex:140: Pleroma.Web.StreamerView.render/3 (pleroma 2.6.0) lib/pleroma/web/streamer.ex:315: Pleroma.Web.Streamer.push_to_socket/2 04:43:49.285 [error] Process #PID<0.6110.0> raised an exception ** (KeyError) key :ap_id not found in: nil. If you are using the dot syntax, such as map.field, make sure the left-hand side of the dot is a map (pleroma 2.6.0) lib/pleroma/web/mastodon_api/views/conversation_view.ex:27: Pleroma.Web.MastodonAPI.ConversationView.render/2 (pleroma 2.6.0) lib/pleroma/web/views/streamer_view.ex:140: Pleroma.Web.StreamerView.render/3 (pleroma 2.6.0) lib/pleroma/web/streamer.ex:315: Pleroma.Web.Streamer.push_to_socket/2 #PID<0.6110.0> raised an exception ** (KeyError) key :ap_id not found in: nil. If you are using the dot syntax, such as map.field, make sure the left-hand side of the dot is a map (pleroma 2.6.0) lib/pleroma/web/mastodon_api/views/conversation_view.ex:27: Pleroma.Web.MastodonAPI.ConversationView.render/2 (pleroma 2.6.0) lib/pleroma/web/views/streamer_view.ex:140: Pleroma.Web.StreamerView.render/3 (pleroma 2.6.0) lib/pleroma/web/streamer.ex:315: Pleroma.Web.Streamer.push_to_socket/2 -
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alenshore ('s status on Monday, 20-Nov-2023 21:46:06 JST alenshore
@dcc @mint WAIT YES I SEE ME AND A POST I MADE FOREVER AGO!! likes this. -
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alenshore ('s status on Monday, 20-Nov-2023 21:47:28 JST alenshore
@dcc @mint That's it tho for now. Might be my internet. Might just take forever to federate. Also, older posts don't federate to you right? Only once you've added a relay (in this case fixed some probs) then everything after right? likes this. -
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('s status on Monday, 20-Nov-2023 21:48:14 JST
@anonymous6479 @dcc Not sure about those, but I've got your DM and fave, and managed to fetch one of your posts. Still having trouble fetching posts from rawr, though. -
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('s status on Monday, 20-Nov-2023 21:48:49 JST
@anonymous6479 @dcc Older posts would federate only if someone interacts with them. -
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alenshore ('s status on Monday, 20-Nov-2023 21:49:51 JST alenshore
@mint @dcc Yes. I can finally see and interact with myself. Success! likes this. -
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alenshore ('s status on Monday, 20-Nov-2023 21:50:30 JST alenshore
@mint @dcc As expected, the lag is immense, but the posts are federating both ways now! yayayayayayaya! likes this. -
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alenshore ('s status on Monday, 20-Nov-2023 21:52:30 JST alenshore
@dcc @mint Also still nothing in my known timeline, but a huge step in the right direction from where I was. likes this. -
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alenshore ('s status on Monday, 20-Nov-2023 21:54:13 JST alenshore
@dcc @mint I gotta be honest, I have to end on a high note, and I should have been asleep hours ago. I am going to shove off for now. I'll get back to you ASAP if you figure anything else out. Should I leave the instance running or can I shut it off? likes this. -
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('s status on Monday, 20-Nov-2023 21:55:17 JST
@anonymous6479 @dcc Keep it running, it won't hurt. -
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alenshore ('s status on Monday, 20-Nov-2023 21:57:26 JST alenshore
@mint @dcc Alrighty. gn -
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alenshore ('s status on Monday, 20-Nov-2023 21:57:26 JST alenshore
@mint @dcc Oh, one last thing I keep getting these warnings. I am not sure they mean anything:
[warning] Can't find LRDD template in "https://rawrxd4mden7rmbobaftao3qjyxbrvj4rrooehkqxlqcsdtnnn2hndid.onion/.well-known/host-meta": {:error, {:tls_alert, {:unknown_ca, 'TLS client: In state wait_cert_cr at ssl_handshake.erl:2111 generated CLIENT ALERT: Fatal - Unknown CA\n'}}} likes this. -
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('s status on Monday, 20-Nov-2023 21:58:24 JST
@anonymous6479 @dcc It's normal, LRDD is hardcoded to HTTPS but isn't critical for federation to work. -
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alenshore ('s status on Monday, 20-Nov-2023 22:19:46 JST alenshore
@mint @dcc I'm still winding down. I really should just hit the sack. But I figured I'd try to add some more relays. FSE's relay was added (though not federating) however rawrs gives a forwarding error. Figured I should mention it. likes this. -
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('s status on Monday, 20-Nov-2023 22:20:39 JST
@anonymous6479 @dcc FSE doesn't federate with Tor, so that's expected. Not so sure what's wrong with rawr, it just timeouts when trying to fetch your profile, though I see requests from your instance in logs. -
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alenshore ('s status on Monday, 20-Nov-2023 22:23:00 JST alenshore
@mint @dcc That one was my bad. Was trying to use https:// on an onion link. The relay sticks now. likes this. -
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alenshore ('s status on Monday, 20-Nov-2023 22:27:48 JST alenshore
@mint @dcc Seems to be same problem as before. I can see their relay but not users. And I believe your instance was also timing out on me. Can you tell me the exact nature of the issue so I can add it to my bug report? Seems like an issue with pleroma proper. likes this. -
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('s status on Monday, 20-Nov-2023 22:28:36 JST
@anonymous6479 @dcc I doubt it's an issue with pleroma, more likely it's some HTTP libraries or Tor itself spazzing out. I'll figure it out later.
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