Also interesting also to note that majority opinion of interpreters, both premil and amil, is that "the synagogue of Satan" are Gentiles claiming to be Jews. Just a strange thing to claim!
@Awoo The meme is super retarded and so is the gaytheist or LARPagan anon who made. All it does is restate the majority interpretation visually with the added bonus of implying that Christianity is a Jewish psy-op (notice the Jews are happy that Christ supposedly is speaking 2:9 to Gentiles). The meme does not try to bring forth any arguments of the interpretation, even simplify, retard-easy ones.
Even if anon did, they would not satisfactorily refute the arguments Gentry made.
@SuperSnekFriend@Awoo fags be fags about faggy shit and i'm tired of their faggotry read the fucking bible you'll notice Jesus has nothing good to say about judea