Social Security:
Christie: Increase retirement age. It's a safety net. Rich people shouldn't be collecting it.
Haley: Increase retirement age. Rich people shouldn't be collecting it. And no COLAs. Look at inflation, instead.
Ramaswamy: Stop fighting wars, go to zero-based budgeting, get rid of redundant departments.
Scott: Grow the economy and cut spending and taxes. I will protect my single mother's social security.
Will you read the retirement age?
Scott: Go look at the farmers in Iowa. It's hard on their bodies.
DeSantis: My grandmother lived on her social security. Inflation is bad, though. Need to grow our economy. Congress wrote IOUs, and we will cut spending. Life expectancies are declining, so no need to raise retirement age.
Life expectancies are declining because they are Iowan farmers, maybe? Wait until you see what happens when you guys get that federal abortion ban.