@FrostPoem #Microprompt: "Now sit there and keep absolutely quiet!" My aunt sits at her mirror glass vanity table with her back to me as I crouch in the doorway. In front of her is a heavy crystal tray full of makeup, a silver pot of brushes, a special bamboo comb inlaid with silver and gold. I see my aunt reflected in the angled mirrors, her face blank and completely without expression as she picks up a sponge and begins to cover her face, forehead and neck with thick foundation like bisque porcelain. She blushes her cheeks rosy red, makes her eyes huge and dark, gives herself long, long, glossy eyelashes and sensational arched eyebrows. I want to ask her questions but I know better than to break her concentration as I watch her pick up the glossy red lipstick and paint on the cupid's bow lips with their impish smile. She takes the comb and teases her beautiful hair into a huge riot of curls, then stands up from the vanity stool, checks herself from every angle in the mirrors while fluffing out her ruffled white muslin gown. I can't help it, the question bursts out of me. "Where are you going tonight, Auntie? Is it somewhere fun? Will you be back soon?" Auntie smiles and a look of concentration begins to spread over her perfect kewpie doll face. "Oh yes honey," she says, "The midway is open tonight, the whole crowd of us will be there, hopefully someone nice will win me. I'll be back as soon as I can, you know that, sweetness. After all, someone has to teach you the family business!" I smile wide, waiting for the best bit. My aunt stretches, grimmaces, then smiles in triumph as little blue wings pop out from the back of her neck. She gives a whoop of joy, blows me a kiss and flies out of the window. #AMWriting #WritingCommunity