A terrific article about how smiling varies across cultures (as all us immigrants recognize) and how AI erases that: "AI and the American Smile: How AI misrepresents culture through a facial expression". HT Chinmay Kulkarni https://medium.com/@socialcreature/ai-and-the-american-smile-76d23a0fbfaf
@shriramk I’m interested (and surely somebody out there is doing this work!) in the question of whether we can use the output of large-dataset ML systems as useful measures of social / cultural patterns. For example, if gen AI insists doctors are male and nurses are female, can we treat that not just as empirical evidence that the AI is sexist, but that •society• is sexist? Can such observations be compelling evidence for social theories under dispute?
@shriramk Exactly. And I think that’s already plenty compelling as a casual argument in conversation and public debate, but can we make it robust enough to be dispositive evidence in social science research? What are the pitfalls? What methodology avoids them? What hurdles would such research need to clear? What if anything could make it publishable?