redirecting homepage to "/about/" will cause an error. Refreshing the page will fix the issue. Entering the page again it won't work unless you refresh the page.
react-dom.production.min.js:189 Error: Minified React error #426; visit for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings.
at Nk (react-dom.production.min.js:278:279)
at Jk (react-dom.production.min.js:280:200)
at Ok (react-dom.production.min.js:271:88)
at Fk (react-dom.production.min.js:273:300)
at jg (react-dom.production.min.js:127:105)
at Xk (react-dom.production.min.js:283:470)
at Qk (react-dom.production.min.js:281:398)
at Hk (react-dom.production.min.js:269:458)
at bt (scheduler.production.min.js:13:203)
at MessagePort.Mt (scheduler.production.min.js:14:128)