We are seeing so many people tweet their goodbye's but the words of this 27 year old Gazan will definitely haunt me: "I do not forgive the world from East to West for what will happen to us, and I hope our pictures will haunt you until the end of your life."
"In this season of renewal and self-reflection, and as we begin the year 5784, the Jewish students at the CUNY School of Law wish to express our uncompromising solidarity with the Palestinian people in their righteous struggle for self-determination. This feeling is accompanied by a profound sense of grief over the lives that have been lost."
"We are steadfast in our belief that Zionism – as a political ideology predicated on theft and destruction – serves to imperil both Jews and Palestinians, even though its proponents only target the latter."
"It is clear, therefore, that the CUNY administration does not speak for its student population, which is largely composed of working class New Yorkers and people of color. As Jewish students of a school that claims the motto “law in the service of human needs”, we will continue to pursue tikkun olam – the repairing of the world."
"This necessarily includes our unwavering support for the Palestinian people in their decades-long resistance against Zionist brutality, as well as for our classmates who are courageously advancing that struggle."
In September 1990, addressing the Reform congregation of Johannesburg, Mandela said: “If Zionism means the right of the Jewish people to seize territory and deny the Palestinian people the right to self-determination, we condemn it”.