Its fun thinking some people are interacting with you in good faith, because maybe you fucked up and need to be taught about it, then looking at their profiles and seeing they're actually talking nonsense illogical bullshit about you behind your back and they're not actually trying to talk to you at all, they've already decided you're a lost cause, because they say a philosopher they don't like (but haven't read and don't understand jack shit about, let alone your interpretation of it) in your profile. I blocked all three.
If you look at my profile and go "oh she's an egoist/likes Stirner, must be evil", just fuck the fuck off with your bullshit, m'kay? Also, no, Stirner is not "Rothbard for people who listen to whatever", fuck off.
"Oh it's not the mere mention of the philosopher we don't like that made us decide you are a lost cause it's just the interaction with you we had" Five seconds later: "'you've never read him you don't understand' you're immersed fully in a worldview that doesn't mesh with ours, that is why we're having the interactions we are having, get over yourself"