@lxo that's really great. many people suffer from tracking their private life malware that is imposed by different banks, companies, etc. it's important to keep a safe and free access to managing of user's assets like bank accounts, etc. speaking about myself, I simply don't have a "smartphone". I use a usual cheap old device with buttons because I just don't trust the software that is loaded on cell phones nowadays. so I totally stand for website access, and I fought with my bank to stop using google and other third party scripts on their site to stop tracking secure information. I won. but now they want to use GOST cyphers in TLS (known for their in-built flaws) and a controlled by the govt CA that I don't trust and this is a new challenge. I'm not sure I can successfully combat this issue.
*nod*, the bank is also trying to require me to be tracked by a mobile telescreen, and that's part of the problem, but so far they've allowed me to use a hardware OTP device as part of authentication. the main problem for me is that they've been removing features from the web site to force users to install apps that purport to provide equivalent features, and that must run as privileged users on desktop computers. of course I won't let them break into my computers, and I won't install any nonfree programs on any computers under my control. the problem for them is that the banking services I hired served me well until they bought that bank along with the obligation to offer the service I'd selected and hired.
good luck in your struggle! I hope more people join us in rising against this sort of abuse
this bank has proprietary apps for GNU/Linux/x86_64
but I don't wish to be stuck to an increasingly hostile and (for me) dying hardware platform
and they have no business dictating what hardware or software platforms I'm required to use. I hired an interoperable service for good reason.
@lxo >they've been removing features from the web site to force users to install apps that purport to provide equivalent features the same happens over here too. I write to them to add features to web. they don't provide apps for PC here. only for cell phones and only for proprietary ones, and they track everything user does they even demand access to contacts, etc, as users told me. and even an app for PC would not work for me since they usually don't care for Linux at all, not mentioning open source software. I keep trying to fight for normal web access to bank account.
@lxo I'm satisfied with x86_64, I used them for ages and I like their assembler, but I don't use proprietary software for over 20 years and whatever proprietary binaries are simply useless to me. my build is custom and I principally don't run software that I cannot check and fix, if I need.