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@LouisConde American ?culture? is ?centered? around ?micks?. They ?have ?holidays? for ?being ?micks. ?They? killed? hundreds ?of ?thousands? of? white men? to? free ?micks. ?They ?listen to? mick? music?. They? elect a? mick ?as? their ?president. ?They ?dress ?and ?act ? like micks.? They? draw? the? entirety ?of ?their ?modern ?culture? from ?micks.? They? wear ?sassy ?shirts?about? being? micks. ?They? stepdance ?in ?solidarity? with? micks. ?Their? biggest? parade? of? the? year ?involves? throwing ?parties? to ?drink? and? wear? green. ?They ?use? Irish? slang? like? "lad"? and ?"lass". ?When? you ?say? "St. Patrick"? they're ?not ?thinking ?of ?the? quarterback. ?They're? thinking? of ?the ?mick. ?Their ?churches? are ?completely? overrun? with ?micks. ?They? worship? their ?ZOGbot?bartender? force ?disproportionately? filled? with? micks? and ?their ?liquorstore?work? force? of ?micks. ?Their ?men ?sit ?around drinking Jameson ?while? their ?women ?sit ?around?watching? The?Quiet ?Man. ?They ?venerate ?micks? like ?St. Chad ?of ?Mercia ?and? St. Brigid? and ?St. Brendan ?while ?attacking? the? Italians ?who ?actually ?built ?their? country? before? the? micks? took? over. ?Their ?government? is? filled ?with ?mick? and ?their ?music ?charts ?are? topped ?by? micks. ?They ?send ?micks ?to ?fiddle ?contests ?and ?celebrate? when ?the ?micks ?win? because ?those? micks? are? true? red ?blooded ?american? micks. ?They ?drink ?Irish? booze ?to? a ?point ?where? "Guinness" ?does ?not ?make? them? think? of? a ?world ?record ?book ?but ?about? mick ?beer ?instead. ?They? will? tell ?you ?how ?much ?they ?hate ?Catholicism? and? how ?they ?are? really? atheists ?and? they ?are? just ?pretending? to ?be? micks? but ?the? evidence ?speaks? for? itself ?in ?that ?America ?has ?always? been? and? will? be? a? nation ?of ?mick? loving ?micks
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I wish I saved the copypasta AR-15 did of "America is a society that revolves around worshipping the Irish".