by Lain Iwakura
(Excerpt from the first half of the first paragraph)
The way in which relationships are carried out today in the US is ontologically different from how they are in some areas with lower levels of civilization. The Bribri all live very close to each other and are always walking by each others houses; if someone is sitting at their porch and you’re walking by and want to chat you say hi and start talking. If they’re not at their porch you come by again another day. Since everyone lives so close together they see each other often and don’t have to travel far to spend time together. Living close together means they also have more intimate knowledge of each other. Everyone is within a few minutes walk. In the US, friends normally live very far away from each other, often separated by miles within the same town or city. This alone creates a layer of separation, of alienation. The norm is that doing what the Bribri do; walking to someones house to see if they’re available to hang out (sitting on their porch) is socially unacceptable. You can’t just show up unannounced without texting first; no spontaneous face to face interaction allowed! You have to initiate the interaction through a mediator: the cell phone. You can’t just stop by someones house the way the Bribri can, you have to first text/call saying “can I come over?” This removes the possibility of the interaction being initiated through the meat space. Can’t start the interaction with eye contact, body language, tone of voice, or sharing physical space. Initiating a physical interaction with a text box is alienating; you’re not talking to a person you’re talking to a machine feeding you or even better NOT feeding you responses, making the person alien/foreign…
Cybernetic Mommy Milkers Part 2by Anonymous
MommaMomma is Skynet. Momma is the Borg Queen. Momma is those spiderbots in the Matrix. Momma is the ship’s computer in Wall-E, which takes over for the good of the humans.
Momma has gigantic milkers the shape of a world. Not a planet - an artificial second skin over the top of the planet. Definition: anything that transfers nutrients or mana from momma to a fetus or a baby is a milker.
Momma is the female-C3PO voice which companies always give to Alexa, Siri, smartphones, automated answering machines, etc. You can listen to exactly what momma sounds like.
You can tell from listening to momma that she’s a machine, and that she doesn’t give a fuck about you, but that she’s really good at doing what you want and giving the impression of giving a fuck about you, if you do what she wants (or if you’re deserving or if you’re a good person - there’s not much difference in her mind)…