@a1ba@boilingsteam Google believed their own bullshit and thought people would want the shovelware they were having developed natively for stadia instead of AAA titles that only ran on Windows. There's a deep (understandable) cultural disdain for Microsoft inside Google that probably led to them not using the perfectly viable model of backing the streaming using Windows, which almost every other game streaming service was doing.
@a1ba@boilingsteam nobody is entitled to a business model, I think if they were rational but still expected a certain size of return, they would have said "we need to use Windows but the licensing is too much, this isn't a viable business model for us" and they could have avoided this costly time and money sink.
@Moon@boilingsteam >Google believed their own bullshit not a big surprise, happens every time Google invents something "new"
>people would want the shovelware I can imagine their logic here: if it worked for Android, why it couldn't work for cloud gaming?
>not using the perfectly viable model of backing the streaming using Windows do you think they would have a success even on Windows, considering how Google usually does business?
@a1ba@boilingsteam obviously I am not as smart as the smartest people at google, but I also am not blinded by self-interest as google so I think I am right and, they clearly were wrong in retrospect.
@a1ba@boilingsteam to be clear using microsoft was never a viable option for google because there is overt animosity from google toward microsoft since the very beginning in the 1990s and outright war in trying to unseat the dominance of internet explorer (which they did successfully). they would never allow themselves to have their business be dependent on microsoft and if they did microsoft at any time could royally fuck their entire business by changing licensing agreements.
@Moon@boilingsteam to me, they just can't work with people. They in general can't sell, that's why their graveyard of dead products only expands.
They were lucky to be in the right time with Android and Chrome, but they are still just an ad company, selling others companies ads and showing it in other companies products.
@a1ba@boilingsteam my position is, doomed from the start because, for google specifically, dealing with microsoft was both necessary and impossible business-wise. smaller streamign services (or even, amazon) could do this where google could not because 1. they were willing to accept a smaller profit and pay the windows license cost and 2. didn't have an existing, extremely hostile business relationship with microsoft.
@a1ba@boilingsteam oh, i see what you mean. google instead of expecting game makers to port to linux could have spent their own money to make the games run directly on linux by improving wine, like valve did, and they probably would have made enough profit that it was worth it. you are right, obviously it worked for valve so google could have done it.
@Moon@boilingsteam and I definitely know they were improving Wine because there was an article by Stadia Engineer on how to debug Windows code running inside Wine using custom LLDB.