@Burn Based on history, we know that the Shemitah stuff is real. I did refrain from saying what exactly would happen, because that would be doom and gloom. However, being prepared for something is never a bad idea, and if nothing happens, then everything is fine.
@ryo@Burn Nothing happened in 2015, though. So, what happened? Did the Rothschilds decide to take a vacation that time? Because every recession and crash is done intentionally, you should know that. They invented the economy, they control it, and whenever any of that happens, they profit.
@TerminalAutism@Burn I thought there was a little crash in 2015, although quite minor compared to 2008. But I didn't really care as much at that time, I actually didn't give a fuck about anything until the covAIDS scamdemic, as it became extremely difficult to travel overseas.
@ryo@Burn I don't even remember that. I do remember 2008, though. It was terrible, and the world never really recovered from it, because just got used to being poorer. And yes, I stopped caring about everything until 2020. I was not interested in politics, I was interested in destroying politics, and dumping all politicians and the media and the corporations that sponsor them in an active volcano along with all of their supporters.
Actually, I guess some things haven't changed very much after all. I would still like to do that. Or feed them to piranhas, or catapult them into a brick wall covered in nails, or crucify them and dump them in acid, or shove hoses up their asses and pump the deathshots into them until they explode. I'm not picky as long as they get out of here, as soon as realistically possible.
And the travel restrictions have completely ruined my plans, wasting two years of my life (and counting, though I guess I learned and developed a lot, so it wasn't really a waste in my case), after a solid decade of having no idea what to do and being a depressed shut-in because I could not deal with this shit world and its garbage people. I wanted to go find my place. Also, I had some hope of not being single forever but now all women took ze shot, so it was already ridiculously unlikely because I'm compatible with so few people in general, and now there's another 99% chance of failure on top of that. I guess I need a dakimakura even more than before.
I also wanted to own some land but that's not gonna happen. Too expensive and will only get more expensive, increasing regulations, and when I'm locked out of society by the digital currency and social credit systems, I won't be able to pay the government's property extortion "taxes" and goodbye property. The point is, it will be confiscated because of ze great reset. I wouldn't mind so much if I had guns, because then at least I could shoot them first. Hell, I won't be able to pay rent either, so my homeless arc will happen regardless of what I own.
Anyway, fuck this gay Earth. I would throw this planet in a giant space woodchipper if I could, and then incinerate it. Maybe the flat-Earthers are wrong, but they shouldn't be. It really should be flat. God should flatten it under his boot. What are you doing?!