Only time in the history of the world that steel frame skyscrapers collapse due to a plane… oh and wtc7 just fell demolition style in it’s own footprint with out anything hitting it. 👁️
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Mike Dee ('s status on Tuesday, 12-Sep-2023 07:04:07 JST Mike Dee -
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mk ('s status on Tuesday, 12-Sep-2023 07:04:06 JST mk if undo the cropping, you'd see firefighters in the picture. maybe they cut the steel?
01:45:26 ryan dawson about 9/11 cook theories.
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mk ('s status on Tuesday, 12-Sep-2023 13:48:18 JST mk "Firefighters didn’t cut these, nor did they even have a tool to cutajor beams like this."
you do know that these beams are hollow?
please watch the video at the timestamp i provided.
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Mike Dee ('s status on Tuesday, 12-Sep-2023 13:48:19 JST Mike Dee @mk I know people that personally saw these cut beams sticking out of the rubble and they brought huge tractors in to clean up mess. Firefighters didn’t cut these, nor did they even have a tool to cutajor beams like this.
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