@tiskaan@alex gitmo nation is the term used by @adam the Podfather who invented podcasting. He uses the term in his No Agenda podcast to talk about the idea that USA is essentially something like a prison.
@tiskaan@alex@defango Fans of Adam curry call themselves members of gitmo nation. They have titles like Sir … so and so. @defango is probably Sir Gene.
@unabomber@tiskaan@defango Ahhhhh this makes sense, thank you. They were an interesting bunch. Feel like they should make a comeback for the election drama.
@alex Wow this takes me back. It was NoAgenda-tangential server IIRC that died due to co-owner incompatibilities and one of them trying to make money off it. I don't remember who was involved, I only remember watching a video one of them livestreamed of the two of them talking. The livestreamer was hammered. Top tier drama content.