god fucking damn it theres is packing polystirène everywhere in the mechanism
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:bun: Stellar (not lewd) (stellar@mk.absturztau.be)'s status on Wednesday, 21-Sep-2022 21:10:37 JST :bun: Stellar (not lewd) -
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Tosti ? (tost@mk.toast.cafe)'s status on Wednesday, 21-Sep-2022 21:10:34 JST Tosti ? @Stellar@mk.absturztau.be why are you standing … like that? ?
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:bun: Stellar (not lewd) (stellar@mk.absturztau.be)'s status on Wednesday, 21-Sep-2022 21:10:35 JST :bun: Stellar (not lewd) Here it is! its done :3
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kaia (kaia@brotka.st)'s status on Wednesday, 21-Sep-2022 21:12:53 JST kaia @tost @Stellar
straightest way to stand :aismart:Hélène likes this. -
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:bun: Stellar (not lewd) (stellar@mk.absturztau.be)'s status on Wednesday, 21-Sep-2022 21:12:56 JST :bun: Stellar (not lewd) @tost@mk.toast.cafe like what?
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Tosti ? (tost@mk.toast.cafe)'s status on Wednesday, 21-Sep-2022 21:12:56 JST Tosti ? @Stellar@mk.absturztau.be your right foot is on the left and your left foot is on the right
Hélène likes this.
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