a whole fuckton of infosec people went to Defcon, spread COVID amongst themselves and who knows how many others, and are now shitposting about it on Twitter
these same people would be *aghast* (or maliciously joyful) if someone left a computer connected to the internet with zero network protection measures.
and they all went to a superspreader event, took off their masks (Katelyn Bowden specifically admitted she masked for travel and then unmasked at the con), and decided that, actually viruses are cool and good when you let them into your *body*
the past three years have proven that almost no one is willing to forego the social benefits of unmasked activities. and those who are willing to forego those benefits, or have no other choice, simply disappear, effectively no longer existing.
the complete refusal of society to take COVID precautions seriously amounts to social death for anyone who will not or cannot risk infection.
i hope you're all happy.