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Since I saw some people talking about it I decided to make this, what do you guys think? any opinions, changes or opposition to the image? I'll be happy to hear
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And for the lol's here is more Kobayashi
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@Echigo <
I mean I haven't seen many people drawing Kobayashi but I think she should have 10000 more pics, she is basically the best girl like that
(Young savage does make pretty good art of her tho)
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@julian398a I understand that bigger sells better and you wanna cash in on the new trendy girl, but that kinda loses them integrity when they don’t be honest about what they are doing and why they are doing it at the cost of the character.
There are plenty of people out there like me who enjoys small and petite non-loli characters and want to more more of them drawn, but it gets discouraging when most of the time said characters are thiccened up constantly.
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@julian398a Oh yeah I would like to as a side note as well that popularity can sway people’s public perception of a character as well. Even now with Rebecca plenty of artists are drawing as very not loli in design, hell, they aren’t even drawing her as a “short woman” with a small figure, lolicon artists are the only ones I’ve seen draw her with close to accurate breast size. Non-lolicon artists are drawing her more with much thiccer assets.
Wether non-lolicons are doing this to spite lolicons or it’s just the tried and true tactic “bigger=more attention” is yet to be seen. Maybe it’s a mix of both.
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@julian398a And the few non-lolicon artists I’ve seen that do give her small breasts still increase their size by a bit while also greatly thiccening her up below the belt.
For the few that do tote around that she is a “short woman” with a petite figure and do the same for others like Rebecca, they almost never give them a thin figure when drawing them.
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V2 Based on some of the feedback given to me
Any other opinions?
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@julian398a @Echigo > the last image
fuckkkkkkkkkkk, delicious. fuckkkkkkk
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@julian398a @Cayhr @Echigo @Ronnie21093
>open pornhub
>search shimakaze
>3 guys dressed up as shimakaze fucking each other
which brings up the question.
who's the gayest.
the one getting fucked and doing no fucking
the one getting fucked but also fucking
or the one doing the fucking and not getting fucked.
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@Halo @julian398a @Cayhr @Echigo @Ronnie21093 link
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@Cayhr @Ronnie21093 @Echigo @Halo
>Trap cosplayers walking in thongs
Like that's the worst they've done, lol
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@Ronnie21093 @Halo @Echigo @julian398a Hmm yeah, that could be it. Although, could've they at least picked a more androgynous character? Or do these guys really want to walk around in thongs? There is literally zero doubt about Shimakaze being a trap; it sounds like just a western thing.
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@Cayhr @Echigo @julian398a idk if it's hijacking.
just... trap cosplayers really love dressing up as her and as such trap artists draw traps wearing her outfit.
the actual shimakaze is still a girl :cirno_shrug:
It's just some weird internet quirk i guess.
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@Halo @Cayhr @Echigo @julian398a She *was* the face of KanColle at one point, primarily due to her outfit, and out of all of the more popular girls from the game, she's probably the easiest to cosplay for a guy. That's just my guess, however.
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@Halo @Echigo @julian398a Talk about hijacking... sheesh.
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@julian398a @Echigo :gura_what: That makes literally no sense. Have these people even played Kancolle, or is there some hidden lore I've completely missed?
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@Cayhr @julian398a @Echigo idk but they call her zekamashi and traps really love cosplaying as her.
i've asked a kancollefag friend, and he doesn't know either.
it's just a fucking thing now.
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@Cayhr @Echigo
She is a loli, but look her up on any page and you'll see trap after trap after trap, and then occasionally by miracle a loli
You wanna talk about Briget being erased for trans? Shimakaze got fucking captured and never seen again by femboys
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I doubt that many artist actually give a shit about spiting lolicons, most of the time people like more curves (Hell even Kanna that's pretty clearly a loli has a bunch of art of her with massive tits like a shortstack)
And even then every artist will always subconsciously add their perception to the character they are drawing
Bur yeah the way most artist draw a character can change people's perception, just like how hex maniac is flat but everyone draws her with massive tits (Let's not even talk about shimakaze or I'm gonna have a fucking aneurism I fucking hate everyone)
First is about right, second is younger, last is older
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@julian398a @Echigo Wait what happened with Shimakaze? Isn't it pretty clear cut that she's a loli?
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@MischievousTomato @Cayhr @Echigo @Ronnie21093 @julian398a :akko_sus:
i gave you the instructions, go find it
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@Halo @Cayhr @julian398a Yeah it’s mainly a thing that is more common with western people. My guess as to why is firstly her outfit. It’s a pretty simple one that also sorta skimpy. Secondly being her hair I guess, because traps with plain long hair are more likely to pass or something.
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@Halo @Cayhr @julian398a Oh and she is also pretty thin overall, and a lot of irl traps and femboys are very thin, so that’s also a factor.