@novibe I was interested in your statement about scientific evidence that inequality causes more crime. I tried to fetch the two articles you cited, but each one said I'd have to enable Javascript (i.e. run nonfree software on my computer) to access the article. So I can't access them.
Do you know of any pertinent articles that are accessible in the Free World? Or copies that are accessible without running nonfree software?
@jtb@rms poverty alone has never been a driver of crime. But inequality has ALWAYS been a driver o crime. This is not new. This has always been the case. We have science showing this.
@rms In the past poverty did not automatically lead to crime. What has changed? Why are people no longer responsible for their own actions? (Not that I have ever voted Tory, I am just saying).
The wayback machine can be used without JavaScript via: https://wayback-classic.net/ unfortunately that's SaaSS that advertises proprietary software (it's source available, but it has no license, seemingly out of lack of understanding rather than malice).