Abandoned ship, though I remain very very curious how this was considered reasonable by anyone. Though in fairness these days as soon as I see a .yaml file anywhere I tend to go “oh, shit, this is some software with insane build and usage nonsense that only corporate devs think is remotely acceptable”.
Conversely, #StrawberryPerl installed very easily and obviously, and all I needed to do was add its bin folder to my %PATH% et voila, it built the part of PostgreSQL I needed to build just fine.
Seems pretty silly the #PostgreSQL docs recommend, borderline insist, on using ActiveState Perl when Strawberry Perl provides #Perl in a far more “actually provides it to you” way :P
The cli utility in question told me to use state learn to find out how to use it but that just takes me to https://platform.activestate.com/state-tool-cheat-sheet which seems to put me no closer to my goal of “just have Perl installed”
Are there any Perl dists for Windows that I can actually just . . . like . . . install normally? Or can anyone explain to me how to install #ActiveState#Perl with this bizarre, seemingly git-backed setup they have which seems to just result in a folder empty other than a single .yaml file (and for which the uninstall command for the "state" utility I seem to be supposed to use just throws an error and gives up)?
@feld@keithzg ActiveState sort of de-emphasized some non-paid stuff a few years back. ActivePerl and ActiveTcl among them. I hear the paid versions are still good, but the zero-price stuff is tough to get working.