<script>if(navigator.getEnvironmentIntegrity!==undefined)document.querySelector('body').innerHTML='<h1>Your browser contains Google DRM</h1>"Web Environment Integrity" is a Google euphemism for a DRM that is designed to prevent ad-blocking. In support of an open web, this website does not function with this DRM. Please install a browser such as <a href="https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/new/">Firefox</a> that respects your freedom and supports ad blockers.';</script>
Since it seems #Google has decided to uni-laterally force through their new anti-#adblock#DRM euphemistically named "Web environment integrity", I decided to add a little bit of code to my website that blanks out the page and displays a protest message with a link to the firefox download page when you visit it from a browser with this DRM feature. Here's the source inside one toot, feel free to copy and put it at the end of your website's <body> before the closing tag:
@jaseg too bad they banned all the content I would want to see from their platforms, they're gonna have a real hard time getting me to sit through ads to watch shit I don't want to see
@jaseg my issue with Firefox is that its android version does not support 98% of extensions anymore. and the only browser for android that supports all the extensions i use (like, say, Stylus for blobcat-shaped buttons on fedi posts, FediAct for remote instance reblobs, Tap To Tab for navigation convenience, Consent-O-Matic against all that usual cookie bullshit) is a chromium-based Kiwi, that also, apparently, has this BS already merged. so yeah, unless there is a firefox fork that offers at least some support for arbitrary desktop extensions for android, im fucked :blobcatthumbsup:
also, desktop Firefox is ugly (tho this is fixable with userCSS) and mobile Firefox is not adapted to big screens since the exact moment they fucked up the extensions on mobile.