I know I said I wasn't going to bring attention to this, but yall need to see this.
Now mind you, I don't talk to any of these people. None. I don't reach out, I don't interact, I don't initiate any engagement. It's not really my thing to converse with people that I don't like. I just leave them alone and go my way.
But the way this group of people accuses me of slandering them when I literally don't say anything to them while picking apart my projects (which I don't mind because free debug, so thanks) even though I am very honest about the state of my work just boggles the mind.
These people straight-up hate me based on complete fabrications while committing the same acts they accuse me of with zero proof.
This level of delusion and hate can only be described as anti-Blackness because I quite literally do nothing to them, but they just *can't* leave me alone. This level of angst and constant antagonization is reserved specifically for Black folks who they feel don't deserve to be in this space.
If you're wondering why I am so adamant about fighting hatred in this space, this is a great example of why.
We simply cannot negotiate with this level of hate because it is completely unreasonable and unwarranted.
If you don't like me, that's fine. There are plenty of reasons to do so.
But the commentary in that thread goes so far beyond dislike because they keep lobbing their hatred at me and including me in their conversations for literally no reason.
They want to cause me harm. They don't want to build a better fedi. They don't want me to improve my software. They don't want to find a middle ground.
They want to erase me from the fedi so I don't continue to call out their bullshit and make tools that take away their ability to poison the timelines of people they don't like.
This is why I call them racists. This is why I say the core of their commentary is pure white supremacy.
They constantly show that their delusion of what they want to believe about me is more important than what I actually am.
And that's just colonialism in its rawest dehumanizing form.
Yo, imagine being called a 'scam artist' by people who don't build shit and hide behind anime avatars.
By people who don't have a 20+ year history of building for all kinds of places and a definitive technical history in the fedi not only from running and maintaining an instance but working with people in this space for their projects.
I didn't sit around with my bigot friends and criticize people from a place of anonymity and cowardice.
The constant vitriol these fools constantly throw at me and about my work is not based on the reality of what I actually do.
They are projecting what they would do in my position because they *can't* do what I do.
So they do what hateful racists do and try to tear me down based on completely fabricated points.
My track record in the fedi stands for itself.
I challenge any fucking coward to make a case against this reality.
And anyone who knows anything about software development over time knows that 40k is nothing. It's a drop in the bucket when it comes to developing quality apps, much less using them to cover expenses while one wants to develop.
The part they don't want to say out loud is that they believe a Black dev doesn't deserve that amount.
I'd respect it more if they just came out and said it instead of nitpicking and harassing me at every opportunity.
But they are cowards. That's why they hide and snipe.
They know when this work happens, all they'll have is each other to harass, abuse, and antagonize. They fear the result.
And they should. Because I'm not gonna stop.
Their incessant rage and hatefulness tell me I'm going in the right direction.
@moiety@queer.garden They've been in a frenzy since I launched my fund campaign, which I expected.
It's just wild how they accuse me of so much shit when I don't talk to them at all while they stay slandering me and what I do. They are constantly @'ing me with their bullshit, but somehow, I'm the Bad Guy in all this.
@Are0h At a keyboard so can better type. It's bullshit! Straight up anti black bullshit! I scheduled some posts about the GFM to go out next week, I forgot when it was over but I got 2 posts going out a day next week until Friday. I need to double check when it ends but I hope it doesn't end next week!
@Are0h Lol, I was about to do this... "Yo, imagine being called a 'scam artist' by people who don't build shit and hide behind anime avatars." 📽️📽️ 📽️ But see you already called out their projection later in the toot 😆
@Are0h I seem to recall Mr. Cage had his share of money woes though :) This has been a good reminder to chip in a bit to both your Go Fund me and my fedi host
@Are0h That bit about them creating a version of you that doesn't exist rings so true of US politics in general these days. Also reminded me of Captain America punching Nazi's but wanted something with Luke Cage. This seemed sort of appropriate...
@Are0h I am not a total anti-capitalist but our world (US in particular) really seems to have its priorities completely out of whack and that leads to brilliant people struggling and hacks getting rich hand over fist
@Byte@rage.love That's all it is. All of the 'issues' they talk about are just part of the process. I just have the confidence to do it out in the open because I know I'll get it right eventually, and I don't mind constructive criticism.
They just want to be racist assholes because they can't do what I have a history of doing.
they are literally mad at you for writing software while Black
good lord what a bunch of losers. this definitely validates my general suspicion of folks with anime avatars though, it seems like all the channers love them