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REALected ('s status on Friday, 21-Jul-2023 06:36:01 JST REALected my instance is so new, TWKN is the exact same as my Local TL -
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narcolepsy and alcoholism :flag: ('s status on Friday, 21-Jul-2023 06:35:59 JST narcolepsy and alcoholism :flag: @relected your instance is also so cringe -
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narcolepsy and alcoholism :flag: ('s status on Friday, 21-Jul-2023 07:00:18 JST narcolepsy and alcoholism :flag: @relected >akkoma user
72147e2b64b5ee2b84799b6f11ce9ae… -
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REALected ('s status on Friday, 21-Jul-2023 07:00:21 JST REALected @hj I GOT AZUMANGA EMOTES AND U DONT :chiyochichi_blush: -
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REALected ('s status on Friday, 21-Jul-2023 07:00:23 JST REALected @hj NO U
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