#Microprompt: I was so tired I could hardly lift my feet to climb the winding staircase up to my bedroom. It had been such a hard day and my lovely antique brass bed was beckoning. Once I'd removed my makeup, cleaned my teeth and put on my fluffy pink pyjamas I pulled back the lace coverlet and slid between clean white sheets. I raised my hand to the bedhead with its knobs and fancy curlicues. There was my dreamcatcher, a beautiful white and silver crescent moon with a lovely fairy sitting inside the curve, her wings outspread. I ran a finger over the smooth surface of the moon, then over the fairy's sweetly pensive face. "Please send me a dream of angels?" I whispered. I turned out the lamp and snuggled down. In the sudden darkness the white moon seemed to glow. In less than a minute I dropped into a deep valley of sleep. I heard beautiful voices singing. A soft breeze of fluttering wings was all around, hands were holding both my own. "Come fly with us! Come play with us!" I was soaring into the air. The freedom, the peace, the euphoria filled me to the brim. I awoke in the morning, rested, refreshed, ready for the day. AS I got out of bed I saw the moon looking very small, white and ordinary, just a pretty dreamcatcher. Only I knew of the magic inside. I stroked the fairy's face. She was slightly smiling. "Thank you." I whispered. #AMWriting #WritingCommunity