@FrostPoem #Microprompt: I closed the front door on my last customer. Sighing wearily I went back into my work room to put away my angel cards and runes. It had been a long day and I was longing to see Lorento. There were no cooking smells coming from the kitchen and that was unusual for a start. I wandered out back to the garden. "Oh! HI Angelica!" Lorento was looking embarrassed, trying to sound casual. She was rootling in the herb beds between the rue and the pineapple mint, pecking at something squishy. I acted angry while stifling a smile. "Oh Lorento, you didn't!" She straightened up, turned her head over her shoulder and started preening the rainbow feathers on her back. "I couldn't help it," she said in a muffled voice. "There was a snake. I saw it slithering about down by the elves' rose bush. I chased it for half an hour. I couldn't leave it, might have been poisonous, it would certainly have frightened them, you know how they can be." I kept my face straight while my heart swelled with love. "I assume you caught it?" "Oh yeah. i stomped it. But I, er, couldn't leave it lying around." She looked with longing down into the herb bed. "I'm sorry, I haven't started supper." I put my arms around her. "Goofball! Scariest, cutest, most beautiful Winglen with the softest heart!" I said. "Never mind that. You finish up what you started. I'll make spaghetti." She straightened up, her big eyes shining. "You will not! You've been working all day. I'll go get you pizza." Before I could say anymore she had spread her huge, beautiful wings and soared into the air. #AMWriting #WritingCommunity