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Everyone underestimates quiet people.
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@Dan_Hulson @Rwoeidk @KennyWhitePowers @RadixVerum
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@Rwoeidk @KennyWhitePowers @RadixVerum No, he might "lie" about that fight and tell you he beat me twice 😒
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That is quite often a mistake
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@KennyWhitePowers @RadixVerum Yes, a quiet guy once hit me while drunk and I struggled to fight back so I beat the crap out of him when I was sober. Score 1 more for loud obnoxious people 😤
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@Dan_Hulson @KennyWhitePowers @RadixVerum Invite Mr. Quiet Britcuck to fedi, mr britcuck
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@Dan_Hulson @Nou @KennyWhitePowers @RadixVerum @Rwoeidk HOOSIER DADDY
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@KennyWhitePowers @Dan_Hulson @RadixVerum @Rwoeidk Simp.
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@Nou @KennyWhitePowers @RadixVerum @Rwoeidk Be gone Ohioan White men are talking
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We believe you that you won Dan
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@Dan_Hulson @Nou @KennyWhitePowers @RadixVerum @Rwoeidk say you NIG NOG
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@Dan_Hulson @Nou @KennyWhitePowers @RadixVerum @Rwoeidk that's the old joke "why they call themselves hoosiers?"
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@Dan_Hulson @Nou @KennyWhitePowers @RadixVerum @Rwoeidk so i'ma gonna raise these eventually, milk and meat goat Nubian which i find kinda funny it's called a nubian, when it's a breed hta twas bred into existance in teh uk
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@Dan_Hulson @Nou @KennyWhitePowers MY BROTHER IN CHRIST, i found the docile breed, that is basicly a family pet, the nubian i plan to breed them, by hiring a buck to impregnate them and sell male kids or let htem grow up a bti and have it sent to the butcher for filling the freezer
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@Zealist @Nou @KennyWhitePowers Goats are great for clearing ground and will eat anything but they are a bit feisty
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@Dan_Hulson @Nou @KennyWhitePowers but yea the herd will be all female cuz it's just easier to deal with than trying to make sure they're not inbred
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@KennyWhitePowers @Zealist @RadixVerum @Dan_Hulson @Rwoeidk Or because "Nubian" and "English" are literally just synonyms.
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@Nou @KennyWhitePowers @RadixVerum @Dan_Hulson @Rwoeidk i kinda doubt he did dismantle their arguement, i mean i'm also a person who rejects white people being able to be americans tbh and when we win whites will be the only people called americans from then on. even south americans can't be american anymore after we win, we'll just call them double mexicans.
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I think they named them Nubian because of the smell
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@KennyWhitePowers @Dan_Hulson @Nou i have some minor experience raising a goat, i did a 4h auction and course on raising goats as a teenager, i raised a wether goat that i named rocky, and sold him at the 4h auction then the guy gave him back to me, he used to chill in the yard and eat the grass, but stepdad was like "that damn thing is eating circles in my yard" and i'm like 'yea cuz it's a goat'
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A yard full of Nubian queens cutting the grass. Based.