Can someone please explain what Mastodon is. I mean, how does it differ from a monolith like Twitter in the way it’s set up. Are you who do this all volunteers? #basic#understanding#twitter#vs#mastodon
@lucyweirphd Instead of Twitter being 1 server, there are many servers for Mastodon and beyond. (Check out the 'Federated' timeline for more)
It would have features likes 500 characters (instead of 280), editing posts, no ads, no algorithm, follow hashtag support, AltText Support
Most instances are run by individuals and are funded by the community. Eg. is funded by donations by the community via OpenCollective
@lucyweirphd And "Federation" means that someone else on another server can see your posts, interact with them (Reply, favourite, boost (Retweet)) and even follow you. And visa-versa.