#Insects #Gardening #GardensOfMastodon
This green dragonfly was so kind to let me take a close up. If you zoom in, it really shows the delicate wings. I have seen more dragonflies already this year than the last.
I set up a couple of these little watering stations throughout the garden and they’re being used by birds and insects alike. Nothing but a saucer I wasn’t using with some gravel and a couple bigger rocks.
(Powdery mildew is currently being treated)
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KayVay (kayvay@mastodon.social)'s status on Sunday, 02-Jul-2023 22:30:54 JST KayVay -
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やぎ (capla@mstdn.jp)'s status on Sunday, 02-Jul-2023 22:31:14 JST やぎ @KayVay
Thanks for the nice photos😊Japanese translation of your toot
以下は日本語訳です(by DeepL)#昆虫 #ガーデニング #マストドンの庭
このアオイトトンボはとても親切にクローズアップを撮らせてくれた。拡大すると、繊細な羽がよくわかる。 今年は去年よりもトンボを多く見かけた。
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