A decade ago, #AmnestyInternational did some extensive UX work on #panic buttons using the power button. They used 10 presses as their trigger, and still got far too many false positives. Their conclusion was power button triggers were not workable. #GuardianProject reached a similar conclusion back then. I guess #Google missed that research: they shipped #Android with a 5-press trigger, and now emergency services numbers are receiving record numbers of false calls:
It might be a good idea to go into the Accessibility settings and turn on the flash when the phone is ringing. That helps a lot of older people with hearing issues notice their phone is ringing; your mother may benefit from it as well.
@feld Apple's PR department is better at shifting blame to other people? My experience with Apple phones is via my mother, whose ringer switch is constantly being accidentally flipped off, so she's rarely reachable. She doesn't know what the switch does, it just gets accidentally switched somehow.
@feld 3 vs 10 would make a big different. If I remember correctly, Amnesty Panic Button had a 10 second countdown. Also, Apple designs things in a very integrated way so they would have designed the hardware power button to also work for this use case. That kind of design integration rarely happens in the Android ecosystem. Google Pixel devices do it to some degree, but not nearly as in-depth as Apple does. I would love to see an Android device that applied the same level of polish as Apple does