02:33:18 "#women don't build they move in[..]there's not wrong with women like wanting a guy that's better than them. making more money than them. i honestly think all women are #gold diggers. some are just better at hiding the #shovel[..]all girls want a guy that's doing better than them. if not bare minimum equal to them. so tell me that's not a gold digger to some degree"
01:16:10 "women don't give a fuck about your struggles they wait at the finish line and fuck the winners[..]women pick winners[..]they don't build they move in[..]they really don't give a fuck about your problems at all. they're gonna disqualify you immediately as a sexual candidate. they might talk to you they might befriend you, but they ain't going to take you seriously from a sexual standpoint."
02:31:26 "women do not date below them socioeconomically[..]women date across or above[..]women don't build they move in[..]there's a reason why a king can marry a peasant and turn her into a queen. versus a woman that's a queen won't even look a peasants way."