@unsuspicious I do not like the phenomenon of hype(d) essays and reading. But I like the added angles and new iterations of thoughts when they add.
My overtly snark (sorry!) comment came from this: the invisible commitee did not add, they even made it harder to discuss specific angles (i.e. the middle economic transition which is between supra-regional and the local points of focus).
I did not yet get to read the desert text.
Do you recommend a reading and if so: how come?
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Librarian socialist (syndikalista@anticapitalist.party)'s status on Wednesday, 21-Jun-2023 16:44:46 JST Librarian socialist -
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unsuspicious@anarchism.space's status on Wednesday, 21-Jun-2023 16:44:47 JST unsuspicious @syndikalista sounds like you don't like the phenomenon but doesn't it make sense that some new (ways of putting) thoughts get passed around a lot so that the debate as a whole can evolve?
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Librarian socialist (syndikalista@anticapitalist.party)'s status on Wednesday, 21-Jun-2023 16:44:48 JST Librarian socialist @unsuspicious every few years there is a pamphlet going around that everyone needs to read. A decade ago it was the invisible committee thing.
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unsuspicious@anarchism.space's status on Wednesday, 21-Jun-2023 16:44:49 JST unsuspicious @syndikalista what do you mean by that?
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Librarian socialist (syndikalista@anticapitalist.party)'s status on Wednesday, 21-Jun-2023 16:44:50 JST Librarian socialist @unsuspicious is this the new "invisible committee" replacement?
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unsuspicious@anarchism.space's status on Wednesday, 21-Jun-2023 16:44:51 JST unsuspicious I am now reading #Desert and feeling like 💡 💡 💡
a friend has just sent me this picture and I'm delighted that I'm obviously not alone with my reading experience :D
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