My quest for an adult-friendly ebook distribution platform with an affiliate program (not Amazon) has gotten generous boosting over the last five months but not even one suggested answer. My sad conclusion is that it probably doesn't exist.
It's a problem because I feel like reviewing/promoting authors' best erotic ebooks would be a natural fit for ErosBlog. But I can't afford to devote the time when there's not even the whisper of a hint of a chance of revenue.
Post-script: No, Amazon does not count. Their affiliate program is hostile to promotion by adult sites. They will sell the smut, but they will not reliably pay stinky pornographers to *help* sell the smut. (Yes, you know somebody who has been getting away with it for years. Will they one day get their account cancelled and not get their affiliate money? Also yes.)
Also, the word #pornocalypse was *invented* by adult ebook authors who were fighting with Amazon. I have the receipts.
I saw a tweet yesterday that I'd quote-boost into this thread if our Mastodon elders allowed that sort of thing, but they don't because we must fear "the dunks".