@0x4E4F@Dirk remember all content requires storage to host it, and high quality video is particularly expensive for that. peertube.uno is brought to us by the folks at https ://devolt.it which offers a ton of these kind of services free of charge, and I'm not really sure how they afford to. I first found them looking for an alternative to Google Docs and found https://cryptpad.devol.it and learned #Cryptpad is even better than GoogleDocs without the surveillance capitalism.
@fuat2mb hello! Thanks for sharing the love about CryptPad! Just a small thing about that instance you are linking to: it's very much outdated, contains bugs and is misconfigured (posing security issues, look at https://cryptpad.devol.it/checkup/). For up-to-date instances we recommend checking our community public list: https://cryptpad.org/instances/. Hope this helps! 😊 @0x4E4F@Dirk