when you think about it, it's astonishing the extent to which webassembly/gc is a speculative endeavor. the main stakeholders are java and kotlin (so java times 2). dart seems noncommittal, and though scheme and ocaml are doing interesting work they don't have the resources that java does. amazing that wasm/gc has any buy-in at all, in this context
@wingo can I ask, I think I understand that this is about the garbage collector proposal for WebAssembly https://github.com/WebAssembly/gc/blob/main/proposals/gc/Overview.md but I’m surprised to hear that JVM folks are stakeholders! Is their hope that with wasm/gc JVM (or at least Java and Kotlin) code can run in browsers/Deno/etc.?
@22 the stakeholders are j2wasm, the wasm-targetting successor of j2cl, a toolchain used for google sheets (not a secret); and https://kotlinlang.org/docs/wasm-overview.html. j2wasm isn't quite java, i think they are willing to accept some deviations. but yes people do want proper java on wasm/gc
Access to a GC would benefit non-managed languages too, like Rust, because some objects/resources need shared ownership between WASM land and JS land, so having access to the browser's GC from Rust/WASM is valuable actually.