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malevolent dictator for life ('s status on Thursday, 15-Jun-2023 04:11:41 JST malevolent dictator for life I didn't know that the stuff I did as a kid was stimming until I looked back and was like "huh... that makes sense" - kaia likes this.
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malevolent dictator for life ('s status on Thursday, 15-Jun-2023 04:11:45 JST malevolent dictator for life oh and the whole avoiding eye contact thing, the whole blabbering on about stuff I was interested in to my friends and family, the whole not knowing the rules around how to make a phone call to someone... kaia likes this. -
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Natty :butterflyN: ('s status on Thursday, 15-Jun-2023 04:11:59 JST Natty :butterflyN: Nail biting
The noises I randomly make
Constantly have to move legs
Skin picking
It suddenly made sensekaia likes this.