if you say "hup" right before you lift something heavy it increases your muscle capacity by 30% #Science #Facts #Physics #Facts #Math #Facts #Biomechanics #Facts
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null (nova@starflower.space)'s status on Monday, 05-Jun-2023 07:09:58 JST null -
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tech? no! man, see... (technomancy@icosahedron.website)'s status on Monday, 05-Jun-2023 07:09:58 JST tech? no! man, see... @nova honestly the more I practice Tae Kwon Do the more I'm convinced this is The Truth
at every belt graduation there's always someone who can't break their board on the first try and needs more coaching to make it happen (they always get it in the end)
and while part of the answer might be like ... align your kick better, or whatever, 90% of the time the main thing is that you just didn't yell enough! somehow this works every time!
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tech? no! man, see... (technomancy@icosahedron.website)'s status on Monday, 05-Jun-2023 08:09:52 JST tech? no! man, see... @nova this is perhaps the most important lesson Iv'e learned on my martial arts journey (other than "damn I'm old")
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null (nova@starflower.space)'s status on Monday, 05-Jun-2023 08:09:53 JST null @technomancy yelling is a crucial part of being a human
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tech? no! man, see... (technomancy@icosahedron.website)'s status on Monday, 05-Jun-2023 08:10:33 JST tech? no! man, see... @nova rediscovering the wisdom of infants
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